Thursday, October 26, 2006

My wife gave me some great wisdom last night...

She told me that my last post may have been unwelcome if read by the wrong person, and that I had left myself open to being Googled. I was aware of this possibility when I started, but also do not want to be slapped by my words at an inopportune moment. Keeping this in mind I have committed the Lucas sin (George Lucas of course). The Lucas sin being that of revision. I have taken references to my latest job out of the Blog. Those of you that stumble across this will probably be able to tell what I am talking about, if you indeed know me and my history, but for the casual reader I will keep my current situation somewhat private. This one act making me a hypocrite, as I usally stand by my words and rail against those that are overcareful in the name of possibly future civil action. I guess there is being careful, and there is being paranoid, I will use a little care.

I did not think this blog might be my place to rant, but if it is in my mind and I feel like it should be on the page, I will go ahead and set it there and let the readers decide what is compelling and what is just dreck. (Do I have readers? I will buy a beer to any that tell me they are out there, though I may have to ship a beer to those far away)... SO dear reader with only a few days away from the midterm elections, I will return to my desk and work a bit, hoping that those in charge are concentrating on governing rather than the last minute attack ads.

1 comment:

apt said...

3 things:

1 - smart move dude.
2 - you owe me a beer, and the Sam Adams in the fridge doesn't count.
3 - blog wiplash (i may be inventing a term here)... where the heck did the elections come in?!
love, your wise wife